The cabin

The cabin
Our house covered in snow.

Friday, April 30, 2010

TIll next time

Well Ill be off to South Dakota this July, ill return with more stories and pictures for everyone to see! If you want more pictures of this Beautiful state ether comment on my blog asking for more or send me an email at, ill be happy to send you some!
I am going to share with everyone some of the pictures of the waterfalls and streams in South Dakota!
Please enjoy!

These are pictures of Kevin Costner's Native American Museum Tatanka. These bronze statues of the Buffalo are the largest in the nation. The scene is portraying the native Americans hunting the Buffalo. there are also real Ti pies set up nearby so that you can see how they are made and what is inside them. Inside the museum building is a movie center that tells of the past and construction of the area. Also inside is a small cafe and a historical artifacts area where a native American will tell you of their culture and answer any questions you have.

The Midnight Star

These pictures are of the Midnight Star, one of my most favorite restaurants. This restaurant is owned by the Actor Kevin Costner. Kevin Costner took a strong liking to the South Dakota region near the black hills in his movie Dancing With Wolves. I have always gotten the make your own pizza here and every time it has been wonderful. I put on 5 different types of cheese along with sun dried tomatoes, bacon, and peperoni. They also have a wide variety of other dishes that are just as delicious. Also aligning the walls to his restaurant are his original costumes used in just about all his movies.

Lets take a journey into Deadwood, South Dakota. This town named one of the prettiest by Yahoo news. Along Deadwood's main street are novelty stores and elaborate casinos. One of my most favorite restaurants also resides here, it is a restaurant owned by Kevin Costner named the Midnight Star. The stores while mostly novelty have a variety of interesting knickknacks and other collective things. There are also a large number of Black Hills gold and jewelry stores to be found close by. This place is a must to visit if your passing by.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

National Treasure 2

For any of you wonderfull readers who have seen and likes the movie National Tresure 2 this post might intrest you. I have been taking trips out to Sylvin lake sence my family stated coming to South Dakota. This is the lake that the lost city is apperantly under so my little brother and I took a little adventure to see if we could actuly find the lost city and becoem super rich!

Sadly there was no Lost City full of GOld but we did have a wonderfull time enjoying the epic beauty of the lake and its surounding area.

The 3 things my dad loves most in the world

There are three things in this whole world that my dad loves more than anything, and no it is not his 4 kids, his wife, or money, it is the three objects in the picture above! HIs two jeeps and the cute little puppy Queen Isabella or izzy as i call her. Now when i said that my dad loves all these things more than anything i didnt mean he actuly owned them... The two cars and even my dad are owned by the Queen izzy the cutest and most spoiled little puppy out there. There has ye tto be a trip taken in ether of the cars that that little dog hasnt snuck into or whined so much that she hasnt been alowed to go.

Crazy Horse

This is the Crazy Horse monument in South dakota. As you can see it has yet to be completed and judging by the work rate it still will not be completed when i die of old age. But dont let that discourage you from coming, its is still a great sight and there is a great native american musiem. When katie and I went we got to witness a dance by one of the native americans. Over all well worth paying the eight dollar entrance fee.

This Buffulo who we shall name Humphrey, is a native of the South Dakota region. I am also sad to say i was not allowed to pet this adorible creature, but my girlfirend katie who was with me at the time expressed a fear that the Cute Humphrey only 4 feet away would surly charge the car and kill us both. So we kept on driving and found the rest of Humphrey family about a half a mile down the road.

Buffelo are beautiful creatures that are a huge part of an american past. It was wonderfull to see something that was almost killed to extinction slowly returning to their natural habitats.

On one of my return trips from Mt. Rushmore I had forgoten to check the weather and took the yellow reep wrangler without its top on. The weather turned bad about fifteen minuets after leaving the site and I could see the storm out in the distance headign tword the area i was going. It became a race to see who would get back to the cabin first, I was determined to get there as dry as posible and that storm was just as dertemined to soak me to the core. One of the pictures above is a picture i took of the edge of the storm as i was racing down the road trying to beat it back to the house. I was lucky enough to get back to the house before the storm and even more lucky when the storm turned out to produce 6 inches of snow in the middle of august.